Start Your Healthy Body Journey – Today

for the health of it!

Our eBooks are available on Apple Books and Kindle. We also have examples of the first chapter of our eBooks for you to review.

The Science of Weight Loss

Our most popular eBook. A comprehensive approach to simple changes to reach your weight loss and personal health goals. No fads, gimmicks or special foods. When you follow the recommendations, you will keep weight off and not regain.

Better Heart and Sugar Health (BHaSH)

If you want to avoid getting heart disease or type 2 diabetes, then our BHaSH book is for you. We have a digital health program based on the BHaSH eBook if you want more interactions, videos, and media. BHaSH is built on the framework of the CDC Prevent T2 program. Keeping an active lifestyle and losing as little as 5% of your body weight will build peace of mind and reduce your risk of getting type 2 diabetes or heart disease.

Healthy Body 4 Life

Are you looking for a safer option than taking medications from your doctor or surgery to lose weight? Afraid of the side-effects and life long changes to your quality of life? We have a short introduction booklet for you to consider. The Healthy Body 4 Life eBook will give you an idea of how our simple approach to losing weight works. If you like what you see, then make a decision on what program is best for you next.
